4 Reasons To Hire a Website Designer
Ok, let’s be real honest…it seems like there are thousands of options for brand and website design. The scale of price and skills is insane. It can be so overwhelming and tempting to choose what is cheap and fast; after all, you need an online presence to even get in the game! Even though cheap and fast is tempting, we want to let you know why that option will leave you feeling like you missed the boat.
Here are four reasons why hiring a website designer is the best option to grow your business:
Design That Is Purposeful
There is a lot that goes into good web design: color, typeset, copy…the list goes on. Our creative process takes time, which includes updates and research along the way. We pride ourselves in making an effort to learn about your company’s needs and purpose. Good web design must have a plan- it needs to drive sales, as well as tell your story. We start every project with a website questionnaire. This helps us to develop a strategic plan for your site, which will not only look beautiful, but will reach your clientele. If you choose the cheaper, faster route, this process will probably be missed.
Industry Knowledge
We studied design (Bekah) and marketing (Heidi) in college, so we have the sheet of paper that says we know what we’re doing…but that is not near enough! College was over ten years ago. Netflix was exclusively sending DVDs via snail mail, and Facebook was only for college students – and there were zero ads! The design and marketing industry is ever-changing; continuing education is a must. We are constantly listening to podcasts, reading articles, taking webinars and testing ideas. We want to see your business succeed by implementing a plan that will work, based on the current culture.
Outside Perspective
This is a tough one. No one wants to hear the hard stuff. It can be crippling to focus on what needs to change, even more so when someone else is telling you. However, it can be such a relief to let go and allow someone else to see your process, look at your strategy, and then give you help! We love diving into a business, looking at what they are doing right and then building off of that. Keep an open mind, let your hands off the wheel and breathe in the fresh air. You’ll thank yourself later!
You need a cheerleader in your corner, and that’s what timelines are. If you try this on your own, you will get nowhere fast. Hiring a web designer will push you, exhaust you and leave you with expectations…but you need it! You need someone who will keep you on target and won’t let up until everything is perfect. We want to see you succeed, and the only way to do that is to focus, stay on track and get the job done. Timelines can seem daunting, but they are necessary for success.
Choosing to invest in a good website designer is a decision that will pay off. These four reasons are just a glimpse at why hiring a web site designer is beneficial, but the list goes on. If you are on the fence about hiring, don’t take the cheaper, faster route. Reach out to us, we would love to be your design team and help you implement a strategy that will move your business towards success!