Resources To Help You Run Your Business
We are big believers in no business is an island, the more resources you connect to the easier it will be to operate smoothly and efficiently. We have put together a few of our favorites to help you effectively run your company.
Good content creation takes time and forethought. Just throwing pretty photos out into the social media world will not guarantee a positive return. It is so important to have a plan and purpose for the content you post so you will have the interactions needed to grow your business. Planoly is a perfect solution to help keep your social media content organized and scheduled. You will be ecstatic to see how much time you save by knocking out an entire month of a robust post at one time!
2. Asana
Systems, organization, and plans…you need all of these things to run a successful business. Asana is a wonderful tool that will keep you managing your workload easily and efficiently. From daily tasks to monthly overviews you will never be left questioning what is next on your list.
3. Grammarly
It’s so easy to glance over common mistakes in your writing. Grammarly sees the small errors and will help correct the details you might have missed. Think of it as a final check off for your content, a way to easily polish off any content before you sent it to a client or post it on social media.
4. Google Business
This is a HUGE resource. Google Business doesn’t only put you on the map, literally, it also is the start to good SEO. Having your business posted on google shows you are a reliable company that hustling and breathing. Even if you don’t have a storefront, you can’t afford to skip this step. Add as much information as possible, post photos of your product, ask for reviews, link to your website…the more you publish the more Google likes you!
5. Mail Chimp
Building your email list is critical for success. Instagram and Facebook might fade away one day and if you do not have your followers collected in an email list you will be left with nothing! When someone signs up for your newsletter, they have given you permission to communicate openly with them, it should not be taken for granted. Mail Chip is an awesome way to collect and speak directly to “your people”. The people who value your business and have said they want to know more. Give it to them!